导演: 马塞尔·扬科维奇斯
主演: Gy?rgy Cserhalmi Anikó Nagy Antal Farkas Erzsi Pártos
简介: 根据匈牙利爱国诗人裴多菲的一首长诗改编。 故事讲述少年约翰自小与少女伊露士卡相恋,但遭姑娘后母横加干涉,...详情 >
导演: Rob Pallatina
主演: 斯蒂芬·布朗 Michael Marcel Mishone Feigin Caroline Ivari
简介: When reptilian aliens begin to take over the world, the remaining survivors must band together and fight back with newly developed fighter jets....详情 >
主演: 斯蒂芬·布朗 Michael Marcel Mishone Feigin Caroline Ivari
简介: Whenreptilianaliensbegintotakeovertheworld,theremainingsurvivorsmustbandtogetherandfightbackwithnewlydevelopedfighterjets....详情 >
主演: Marcell Ulrich ábel Mezei Bendegúz Kóbor
简介: Three Dances is a feature-length documentary about three generations of ballet dancers studying classical ballet at the Hungarian Dance Academy....详情 >
导演: Arthur Diennet
主演: Arthur Diennet Marcel Diennet 比尔·沃特森
简介: A heartfelt adventure about a milquetoast accountant, Medor, whose perfect life is ruined when he discovers his wife having an affair with his boss. Ha...详情 >
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